Tournament Arc™ - FAQs

Sometimes, rules books and how-to videos are not enough! This page is a digital and updatable version of the FAQs found towards the end of the Tournament Arc™ Rules Book.

General Questions

  • What if there is a tie?

    If multiple players have the same best score for the active Sport, then the Sport shall be immediately replaced with the next card from the top of the Sport deck.

    All players shall re-select which Athletes to send out as their team and calculate the total score according to the new Sport card. Repeat as needed until there is no longer a tie.

  • Is there a maximum number of Episode cards that can be attached to an individual Athlete?


  • Are negative numbers also affected by bonuses/multipliers?


  • What happens if I don’t have enough Athletes on my team to meet the number of Athletes indicated on the Sport card?

    You will then compete with your entire team. For example, if a Sport requires 3 Athletes and you only have 2, you will calculate your score using both Athletes. In the rare occasion that you have 0 Athletes, your score will simply be 0.

    In some cases, this can work to your advantage.

  • What if more than one Athlete has the highest number of Episode cards attached to them?

    If multiple Athletes have the highest number of Episode cards attached to them, then no Athletes receive a Main Character bonus. We call this the “Ensemble Cast” rule.

  • Do bonuses stack?

    Yes! If an Athlete is the Main Character and if the Athlete’s Region matches an active Region, then their score is multiplied by 4!

    Watch out though, this can work against you.

  • Do I draw after an event that reduces my hand below 5 Episode cards?

    No. If you start your turn with less than 5 Episode cards due to some previous event or effect (e.g., card taken from Birthday Party), you should still wait until the end of your turn to get your hand back to 5 Episode cards, unless otherwise specified by the card that affected your hand.

  • Can I use a calculator to help calculate my score?

    Yes! Do whatever is easiest for you to calculate your score. See Tips - Score Calculation (pg. 14-15 in the Rules Book) for some tips.

Specific Card Interactions

  • Do the "Moving to..." Episode cards allow you to change the active Region?

    No. As indicated by the star symbol behind the title and by the description, the “Moving to...” Episode cards can be attached to Athletes to change the Athlete’s Region. This can be used to force an Athlete to gain or lose the Homefield Advantage bonus.

  • Does Someone's Dad receive the Home Field Advantage bonus at Central Stadium?

    Yes! He lives there.

  • Can I play Non-Canon OVA on Someone's Dad?

    No. As noted in his description, he functions as an Athlete card.

  • Can I play Non-Canon OVA on an Athlete who is attached to another Athlete via "Growth Spurt"?

    Yes. As noted in the description of "Growth Spurt", the attached Athlete now functions as an Episode card.