Our Story

As lifelong game enthusiasts, artists, and life partners, Nile Matsuda (left) and Skyler Badalament-Tirrell (right) established Little Creature, LLC together in 2023.

As the primary game designer of Little Creature, Skyler brings a multitude of experience in designing games of many varieties since early childhood. From creating simple field games to entertain the neighborhood kids while growing up to designing, producing, and running innovative RPG campaigns of his own design, Skyler always ensures the players have a great time.

As the primary producer of Little Creature, Nile brings in a wide variety of experiences from various leadership positions, the video game music industry, and the tech space as a Data Scientist and manager.

Together, they’re excited to bring their games to life and share them with the world!

Little Creature, LLC is an LGBTQIA+, BIPOC (AAPI & Black), and woman-owned business.

Nerdy (business) partners

Nile and Skyler are not only business partners, but are married to each other as well!

Nile Matsuda (also known as Nile Wilson) is a bioengineering PhD, tech worker, and a harpist who records on video game soundtracks. Her favorite games include (but are not limited to) Bravely Default, Pop’n Music, and Hollow Knight. As a Black and Korean-Japanese woman, she is passionate about Diversity & Inclusion and aims to produce games that are reflective of her values.

Skyler is a game designer and freelance digital artist who lives for two things: To create games and stories that others can enjoy, and for his wife! I bet she didn’t even mention to you that she’s a blackbelt, huh? She’s the most impressive person Skyler has ever met, though he thinks she could stand to be a little less humble! Skyler has achieved no higher education, and barely scraped through lower education. Nile found him eating rocks on the side of the road and took him in out of the goodness in her heart. Secretly he longs to chew more minerals.

